- connecting quilters with longarmer artists!
After several months and more than 10,000 searches to connect quilters with retailers or techs on the Longarm Retailer/Tech Locator on this website, at the request of numerous longarmers a new Longarmer Locator site - - has been created to allow Professional Longarmers to connect with potential clients - with a basic listing absolutely Free!
The locator allows the quilter to search by business name, location/distance, and by services offered such as Custom Free Motion Quilting, Computerized Edge-to-Edge Quilting, and ancillary services such as Binding and Repair. The benefits of the locator include allowing the identification of nearby longarmers to facilitate easy drop-off, pickup, and collaboration, along with finding distant resources available via UPS or mail that have the needed skills or can meet the quilting deadline.
If you are a Professional Longarmer and would like to create or add to your online presence, all you need to do is to click “Submit a Listing” at the top right of the home page, create an account, and then upload a photo of your work, you, your logo, whatever you would like, and in seconds you will be listed. You also have the ability to edit your entry at any time - for example if you add a computer-system to your studio a button-click will add it to your profile.
If you are not a longarmer but know someone who is - please share this site with them.
If you would like to promote your business, there are three low-cost options starting at $25/year to allow a full description of your services, your studio, your experience, along with 10 or more high-resolution photos of your work, you, your studio, whatever you like - check out a couple of examples here and here.
The site will invest in outreach through forums like AQS and Facebook to identify and onboard Professional Longarmers, and then will sponsor awareness of their individual services and capabilities through Search Engine Optimization of their pages along with general online promotion of the site.
Thanks for your involvement in the Longarm Quilting Community, and, as always….
Quilt on!
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